Annual Report 2024

Double Materiality Assessment

Belimo's 2024 double materiality assessment (DMA) identified 13 key sustainability topics through a comprehensive evaluation of financial risks and opportunities, and environmental and social impacts. The assessment aligns with the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS) and the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). The results of the DMA form the basis of Belimo's sustainability strategy, targets and metrics.


In 2024, Belimo updated its materiality assessment methodology in line with the requirements of the European Union's CSRD and ESRS. The double materiality assessment (DMA) conducted for the first time helped to define the sustainability topics that are material for Belimo’s business and its stakeholders.

The DMA framework recognizes that materiality encompasses both financial (outside-in) risks and opportunities and environmental and social (inside-out) impacts. While financial materiality considers risks and opportunities that may affect the company financially, impact materiality focuses on how Belimo’s activities affect the environment and society. The assessment encompasses Belimo's operations and its entire value chain. Stakeholder engagement was integral to the process, ensuring a balanced approach.

Stakeholder Engagement

Internal and external stakeholders were involved in the process of quantifying and scoring the impacts, risks, and opportunities. The senior management (Extended Executive Committee) was interviewed and highlighted important topics for the longlist. Internal workshops and external interviews were conducted to quantify the potential material issues and to assess the impacts, risks and opportunities. The internal workshops were held across different functions, business lines, and hierarchy levels. Interviews with external stakeholders included customers, suppliers, the financial community, academia, and associations. The senior management approved the outcome of the DMA as the 13 key sustainability topics.


The following methodology for assessing double materiality was applied:

  1. Business model analysis, desk research and value chain analysis to derive a longlist of potentially material topics (approx. 450 topics)
  2. Shortening longlist to shortlist of potentially material topics (22 topics);
  3. Identification of impacts, risks, and opportunities (IROs);
  4. Validation and evaluation of potentially relevant material topics from an inside-out perspective (impact materiality) and outside-in perspective (financial materiality) through stakeholder engagement activities, including external interviews and internal business impact workshops;
  5. Threshold setting to define which topics should be considered as material (13 topics);
  6. Validation and approval of material topics by senior management.

Financial Risks and Opportunities

Financial risks and opportunities were assessed based on likelihood and (potential) magnitude of financial risk or opportunity.


Impacts may be actual or potential, negative or positive, short-, medium-, or long-term, intended or unintended, and reversible or irreversible. "Actual" versus "potential" impact relates to the distinction between the impacts that have already occurred (actual impacts) versus the impacts that could occur under certain conditions or future scenarios (potential impacts). Belimo assessed scale, scope, irremediability, and likelihood of impacts. Scope, scale and irremediability of actual and potential negative impacts define the severity of an impact. For positive impacts, irremediability and severity is inherently not applicable.

Threshold Setting

The materiality threshold for actual positive impacts was determined based on the combined scores for scale and scope. For potential positive impacts, the threshold was set according to the likelihood of occurrence, in addition to the combined scale and scope scores.

The materiality threshold for actual negative impacts was set on the severity score (sum of scale, scope, irremediability). For potential negative impacts, the threshold was set according to the likelihood of occurrence, in addition to the severity scoring.

The materiality threshold for financial risks and opportunities were set on the likelihood of occurrence and the magnitude of financial effects.

Outcome of the Double Materiality Assessment

List of Topics

As the result of the DMA, a total of 13 topics were found to be material for Belimo.

Environmental Topics

Social Topics

Governance Topics

Climate Change

Occupational Health, Safety & Wellbeing

Data Privacy & Cybersecurity

Energy Management

Talent Attraction, Development & Retention


Contribution to Energy Efficiency

Social Responsibility & Human Rights in the Supply Chain

Innovation & Solution Leadership

Environmental Footprint of Supply Chain & Traceability

Occupants’ Health, Safety & Wellbeing

Product Quality, Safety & Compliance

Circular Economy

Stakeholder Perspective

Customers identified energy efficiency, climate change, and supply chain-related issues as Belimo's most relevant topics, while investors prioritized corporate governance and business ethics. Suppliers emphasized the need to focus on climate change and data privacy, academia highlighted digitalization, and associations and public organizations stressed the importance of energy efficiency and climate actions to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby helping to meet global climate targets and improving air quality.

Double Materiality Assessment Matrix

The outcome of the DMA is illustrated in a matrix:

Contribution to Energy Efficiency, Digitalization and Innovation & Solution Leadership were assessed as the topics with the highest financial opportunity for Belimo while Data Privacy & Cybersecurity and Product Quality, Safety & Compliance were associated with the highest financial risk.

A high positive impact on society and/or the environment was linked to the topics of Contribution to Energy Efficiency and Innovation & Solution Leadership. High (potential) negative impacts were associated with the Environmental Footprint of Supply Chain & Traceability and Climate Change.

ESRS Topical Standards

The following ESRS topical standards are deemed to be applicable to Belimo:




ESRS E1 Climate Change

ESRS S1 Own workforce

ESRS G1 Business conduct

ESRS E5 Resource use and circular economy

ESRS S2 Workers in the value chain

ESRS S4 Consumers and end-users

Overview of Material Topics

Climate Change

Energy Management 

Contribution to Energy Efficiency

 Environmental Footprint of Supply Chain & Traceability

Circular Economy

Occupational Health, Safety & Wellbeing

Talent Attraction, Development & Retention

Social Responsibility & Human Rights in the Supply Chain 

Occupants’ Health, Safety & Wellbeing

Data Privacy & Cybersecurity


Innovation & Solution Leadership

Product Quality, Safety & Compliance


To ensure alignment between the sustainability strategy, sustainability reporting and stakeholder and regulatory expectations, Belimo will review its double materiality assessment and the identified material sustainability topics on a regular basis. While not all material topics are currently addressed at the same level of maturity, Belimo is actively working on its sustainability program to address these topics in the future.