Circular Economy
Management Approach
Belimo is committed to reducing its environmental impact by minimizing resource inflows and outflows and increasing the efficiency of resource use in its own operations. Belimo strives to reduce its water consumption and waste production in all its Production (P) and Logistics/Customization (L/C) entities.
The topic of circularity is inherently linked to the Belimo Climate Strategy and the Company's ambition to achieve net zero by 2050. In order to reduce emissions from purchased materials (Scope 3 Category 1), Belimo intends to increase efficiency in the use of input materials and use more sustainable and recycled materials.
Resource Inflows — Materials Used
The most important materials in the manufacturing and assembly of Belimo field devices are electronics (3%), metals (64%), plastics (15%), packaging (9%), and various finished products (3%). A total of 14 898 tons of materials were used in 2024 (2023: 9 853 tons). Belimo has created a dedicated function to address the environmental impact of material use.
Waste Management in Own Operations
Although the volume of waste generated at Belimo is relatively low, the company is actively working to reduce all types of waste generated in its P and L/C facilities and to increase the recycling rate. Close collaboration with suppliers is key for reducing waste and enhancing recycling, sorting, and waste management practices.
Compared to 2023, the total amount of waste in tons has increased by 21% in 2024. Cardboard accounts for the highest amount of total waste generated followed by municipal waste. 98% of the total waste is classified as non-hazardous.
In 2024 74% of Belimo's waste was recycled (2023: 70%). Recycled waste includes cardboard, paper, metals, plastics, and hazardous waste (e.g., chemicals). In the coming years, Belimo aims to continue to increase its recycling rate.
Recycled vs. Non-Recycled Waste
Non-Hazardous vs. Hazardous Waste
in metric tons | 2024 | 2023 restated1) | ||
Hazardous waste | 14 | 11 | ||
Non-hazardous waste | 868 | 677 | ||
Total waste recycled | 882 | 688 | ||
Hazardous waste | 10 | 7 | ||
Non-hazardous waste | 294 | 285 | ||
Total waste landfilled/incinerated | 304 | 293 | ||
Total waste | 1 186 | 981 |
1) With the extension of the reporting scope to all Production and Logistics/Customization sites in 2024, the previous year's figures have been restated accordingly.
Water Management in Own Operations
The water withdrawn by Belimo consists of third-party water and groundwater. It is used for sanitary purposes and then returned to third-party water sources. This results in a net water consumption of zero.
In 2024, the total water usage decreased by 7% compared to 2023. Although water withdrawal is relatively low, Belimo aims to further reduce its environmental impact in terms of water withdrawal.