Annual Report 2024

Social Responsibility & Human Rights in the Supply Chain

Management Approach

When it comes to social responsibility and human rights standards in the supply chain, Belimo holds its suppliers to the same rigorous standards for social responsibility and human rights as its internal service providers. Suppliers are expected to provide Belimo with full transparency to facilitate risk assessment including non-financial information on social responsibility, human rights and labor standards. Supply chain due diligence allows Belimo to identify, prevent and mitigate risks and impacts associated with the social aspects of its supply chain.

The Belimo Supplier Principles sets the basis of the Company’s approach to this material topic. For more details on supplier adherence to the Belimo Supplier Principles and the Supplier Audit, please refer to the section on the Environmental Footprint of the Supply Chain.

Social Responsibility & Human Rights Assessment of Suppliers

Since 2024, Belimo has collaborated with EcoVadis to perform a supplier ESG risk assessment. This approach enables Belimo to monitor the social and human rights performance of its suppliers, identify high-risk suppliers, and collaborate with them to implement improvement measures. It assesses suppliers' ethics, labor, and human rights performance in terms of corruption, fraud, conflict of interest, information security, working conditions, occupational health and safety, discrimination and harassment, child labor, forced labor, human trafficking, ISO 45001 certification, etc. For more details on the ESG risk assessment, please refer to the section on the Environmental Footprint of the Supply Chain.

A total of 87.9% of Belimo's direct procurement volume was assessed on social impacts using the EcoVadis assessment in 2024.

Certified Suppliers ISO 9001 and ISO 45001

Belimo monitors the proportion of suppliers with certified quality management systems. In 2024, ISO 9001-certified suppliers represented 94.1% (2023: 89.2%) of direct Belimo's purchasing volume.

Belimo tracks the proportion of suppliers with certified occupational health and safety management systems. In 2024, ISO 45001-certified suppliers represented 22.4% of Belimo's direct purchasing volume.

ISO 9001-Certified Suppliers
ISO 45001-Certified Suppliers

Minerals and Metals from Conflict-Affected Areas and Child Labor (DDTrO)

The Swiss Federal Council has adopted the legislative amendments to the indirect counterproposal to the Responsible Business Initiative (RBI). The Ordinance on Due Diligence and Transparency in relation to Minerals and Metals from Conflict- Affected Areas and Child Labor (DDTrO) requires companies operating in areas with elevated risks of child labor and conflict minerals to meet enhanced due diligence obligations.

Since 2021, Belimo has monitored its risks related to child labor in accordance with DDTrO requirements and did not identify any incidents in 2024 (2023: none). Risks associated with conflict minerals were assessed as part of the annual due diligence process and Belimo did not consider them to be critical for 2024 (2023: not critical). The Group has fully complied with the required due diligence obligations.