Annual Report 2024

Policies & Compliance

Business Conduct

Belimo is committed to conducting its business in accordance with the highest ethical standards and complying with all applicable laws in its business operations. The Belimo Mission Statement is reinforced by the Belimo Code of Conductwhich all employees must adhere to. They are required to complete a mandatory web-based training course to ensure knowledge and understanding. In line with the Code of Conduct, Belimo enforces the integrity of its actions and behavior across all regions where it operates.

Recognizing the Group’s reputation, all suppliers are expected to sign the Belimo Supplier Principles (revised Supplier Code of Conduct). By signing, they commit to adhering to the Belimo Code of Conduct and ensuring that their own sub-suppliers to do the same. 

The Belimo Code of Conduct, the Belimo Supplier Principles and the Belimo Supply Chain Policy outline the Company's fundamental principles with regard to:

Environmental Protection

Belimo strives to use resources sparingly and avoids the use of materials that have an unnecessary impact on the environment and are difficult to dispose of. Environmental protection is continuously improved through an appropriate environmental management system focusing on careful energy consumption and implemented in compliance with legal and international standards. Belimo endeavors to develop products that contribute to increasing energy efficiency in its customers' applications.

Health and Safety

The Company is also responsible for the health and safety of its employees with an appropriate health and safety management system in place. Thereby, Belimo ensures that risks are minimized, and precautions are taken to prevent accidents and occupational illnesses. This responsibility entails informing all employees about and training on occupational safety standards and procedures.

Credibility Culture

The corporate culture is based on trust, integrity, competence, and responsibility. It emphasizes personal commitment, the courage to take risks to inspire customers, teamwork, and cultural diversity. To achieve this cultural objective, the Company is committed to a work environment in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, free from all forms of unlawful discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. It has zero tolerance for violations.

Equal Employment Opportunity

The Group ensures equal employment opportunity for all persons without discrimination based on ethnic background, religion, disability, color, race, nationality, sexual orientation, age, veteran status, gender, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, pregnancy or any other basis prohibited by federal, state, or local law. Sexual harassment or harassment based on any other personal characteristic prohibited by law has no place in the work environment and is strictly prohibited.

Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption

In addition to the Belimo Code of Conduct, an Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy is mandatory for all employees and business partners. The purpose of the policy is to ensure that Belimo directors, officers and employees, as well as third parties acting with or on behalf of Belimo, avoid corruption in all its possible forms, including but not limited to bribery of public officials, suppliers and other third parties. Belimo has a clear set of competence regulations and applies a dual-control principle to prevent corruption. Additionally, internal and external auditors regularly check the books for irregularities as part of the standard audit process. The Belimo Code of Conduct and the Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy are presented to all new employees during their induction and training process. The policies are available to all employees and are regularly updated.

Child Labor and Conflict Minerals

As a global leader in the development, production, and sale of field devices for the energy-efficient control of HVAC systems, Belimo recognizes the importance of ensuring ethical business practices, respect for human rights, and compliance with environmental standards throughout its supply chain. Belimo is therefore committed to ensuring that its supply chain is free of conflict minerals and child labor. The suppliers and partners of Belimo are expected to comply with the Belimo Supplier Principles, to agree to a number of behavioral commitments, and to require compliance from their own sub-suppliers. The Company reserves the right to audit its suppliers to verify compliance. Measures taken by Belimo against child labor and conflict minerals are described in the Belimo Supply Chain Policy.

Human Rights

The Belimo Code of Conduct is based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the United Nations (UN), the guidelines by the International Labor Organization (ILO), and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

Grievance Mechanism and Integrity Channel

Employees, suppliers or third parties are encouraged to report any concerns through the Belimo Integrity Channel, which is globally accessible and guarantees the anonymous and confidential reporting of incidents.

This grievance mechanism is operated by an external provider and is available 24/7 in German, English, and Chinese. All information on negative impacts is escalated to the Head of Global Human Resources and the General Counsel ensuring proper management of reported grievances.

Compliance with Laws and Regulations

In 2024, Belimo is not aware of any instances of non-compliance with laws and regulations that resulted in fines or non-monetary sanctions (2023: none).