Annual Report 2024

3.3Financial Assets and Liabilities

Financial Assets

in CHF 1 000

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

Term deposits

40 000


Derivative financial instruments


1 914


7 376

4 619

Other financial assets


1 312


47 592

7 846

of which current financial assets

40 034

1 956

of which non-current financial assets

7 558

5 890

Term deposits consist of bank deposits with maturities of more than three but less than twelve months from the date of acquisition. Investments comprise an equity investment as well as a simple agreement for future equity in innovative start-ups in the heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning systems sector. In 2024, an immaterial valuation allowance was recognized on other financial assets (2023: immaterial valuation allowance).

Financial Liabilities

in CHF 1 000

December 31, 2024

December 31, 2023

Bank loans

10 119

3 966

Lease liabilities

12 021

10 606

Derivative financial instruments

2 835


Other financial liabilities




25 363

14 822

of which current financial liabilities

7 563

3 814

of which non-current financial liabilities

17 800

11 008

Bank loans are entered into locally by subsidiaries, at commercial terms prevailing in the local environment and some are subject to standard financial and non-financial covenants. The Group is in compliance with these covenants, and they are not expected to affect the classification of the bank loans within the next twelve months.

The changes in financial liabilities were as follows:

in CHF 1 000



As at January 1

14 822

11 473

Interest paid financial borrowings



Interest paid lease liabilities



Repayment of financial borrowings

-30 284

-59 707

Repayment of lease liabilities

-3 955

-3 824

Proceeds from financial borrowings

36 140

63 669

Cash flow from financing activities

1 166


Non-cash effective movements lease liabilities

5 094

5 505

Other non-cash effective movements

2 967

-1 229

Interest expenses financial borrowings



Interest expenses lease liabilities



Translation differences


-1 093

Non-cash effective movements

9 375

4 150

As at December 31

25 363

14 822

Interest paid not related to financial liabilities and therefore not included in the table above amounted to CHF 0.8 million (2023: CHF 0.3 million).

Management Assumptions and Estimates

Management judgment is required to determine the lease liabilities. Further details regarding lease accounting are described in note Property, Plant and Equipment.

The fair value of investments is determined using valuation techniques. The Group uses its judgement to select a variety of methods and make assumptions. For details of the key assumptions used, and the impact of changes to these assumptions, see note Financial Risk Management.

Accounting Policies - Financial Assets

Financial assets are measured at amortized costs, with the exception of investments held at fair value through other comprehensive income as well as investments held at fair value through profit and loss. Derivative financial instruments are measured at fair value through profit and loss with any changes therein recognized in the financial result. Financial assets measured at amortized costs are subject to the impairment requirements of IFRS 9. 

Accounting Policies - Financial Liabilities

Financial liabilities are initially recognized at fair value and subsequently measured at amortized costs using the effective interest method. Interest expense and foreign exchange gains and losses are recognized in profit and loss. Lease liabilities are initially measured at the present value of the lease payments. Derivative financial instruments are measured at fair value through profit and loss with any changes therein recognized in the financial result.